OUR services

You have arrived here because you are wondering whether family therapy might be helpful.
Family is important to you.
You may have concerns about a family members’ alcohol or drug use.
Maybe you are worried about your teen or having a hard time connecting with them.
Perhaps you and your partner are struggling to communicate or to get on the same page in your relationship or as parents.

Could Family Therapy Be Helpful For You?

When families struggle to get on the same page, often the result is hurting one another, trying to make changes that end up being unhelpful (even with the best intentions), parents parenting differently and sending conflicting messages to their kids, avoiding conflict, using drugs or alcohol to cope, yelling and screaming with seemingly no resolution.

These are just a few of the many ways families can struggle while attempting to support each other.

It can feel overwhelming trying to make changes in a family alone and often not possible to make lasting changes without collaborating as a family.

Family therapy can help with:
  • Improving communication between family members.
  • Identifying unhealthy relationship patterns and ways of healing and re-patterning.
  • Identifying appropriate and helpful supports for family members.
  • Supporting loved ones through mental health or addiction treatment.
  • Supporting loved ones through grief, loss, life transitions.
  • Healing wounds from old and current conflicts.

Family is the foundation we grow from.

Telehealth services



What family therapy services are Available?

In-person and Telehealth Services

Family Therapy During Transitions

Family Therapy for Adult Family Members 

Most families experience more conflict during teenage years

Almost every family experiences hardship as their children develop into teenagers. Studies show that these years are the most difficult that parents will face.

It can be extremely challenging to cope with the transition of your child progressing towards adulthood.

As a parent you may feel isolated, anxious, and that you’re not doing a good enough job.

Many parents feel that they are dealing with a “new” person as they see so many changes take place emotionally and socially. These changes teens experience affect the whole family.

The good news is that you’re not alone and there is hope that your family will find stability again.

Family Therapy During Teen Years

Family therapy isn’t just for families with teens and children. As we become adults, we may start to realize we’d like to heal some old wounds, improve relationships with our family and support loved ones through life experiences including mental illness and substance abuse, grief and loss, death and dying, illness, trauma, moving, leaving for college and much more.

Family therapy helps identify old family patterns and the harm they may have caused while helping the family to heal and identify new, more helpful ways of communicating.

Family Therapy for Adult Family Members

Whether you or a loved one are going through a difficult transition in life, family therapy can help make those transitions more healthy. While many people can benefit from the support of their family members during transitions, sometimes, their support, or lack of support, can significantly impact the ease or difficulty of such transitions.

Family therapy to support loved ones during difficult transitions is most helpful when all family members take a look at how they may impact their loved-ones struggle and how they might be able to show up differently, in a more supportive way than before. This often leads to change in family dynamics that, while may be unhealthy or unhelpful to the family and loved one, may be hard to take a look at. With the support of a family therapist, a family can:

  • Learn ways to look at their impact and contribution to the family patterns.
  • Learn ways of holding themselves accountable while working through shame, guilt and other hard feelings to gulp.
  • Acknowledge what does and doesn’t work for the family and what might be more helpful.
  • Learn how they can support themselves and others during difficult life transitions.

Some life transitions that can be especially helpful times for family support 
through family therapy are:

  • A teen or adult receiving treatment for mental illness or substance abuse.
  • A teen or adult attending residential treatment or other higher level of care and support.
  • Moving to another city, state or country.
  • A new diagnosis of illness or chronic disease.
  • A loved one facing death.

Family Therapy for Difficult Transitions

Many families feel alone in their struggle with their family member’s alcohol or drug use.

Alcohol and drug abuse can tear families apart and creates a system of secrets, unhealthy relationship patterns and supports unhealthy coping and avoidance. These effects last a lifetime and impact other relationships outside of the family system.

Alcohol and drug use effects the whole family whether it’s a parent or parent(s) use, teens or adult children if there is unhealthy or too much use of alcohol or drugs, the impact goes beyond the user.

Family therapy provides an opportunity for families to learn about unhealthy alcohol or drug use and how it negatively impacts the whole family.

Family therapy can be a loving, healthy way to support a loved one who struggles with substance use or abuse and help heal the wounds that lead to unhealthy behaviors.

We provide support for families of teens and young adults who struggle with alcohol and/or drug abuse.

Family Therapy for Alcohol or Drug Use

Yes. We provide family therapy for families including family members of all ages and relationships.

Can We Do Family Therapy as A Family of Adults?

Sometimes it’s more helpful for teenagers to have their own individual therapist for several reasons and we do provide individual teen therapy for that reason. Teens and parents may not feel ready for family therapy and individual therapy can provide support for a parent and/or teen.

We believe all family members have strengths and assets that are crucial to making long lasting changes for each individual member of the family and we see family relationships heal more effectively by involving the family.

As a parent you are a crucial piece to your teens process and your teen needs your help, despite their defense that they can do it on their own.

We encourage parents to consider their own resistance or fears about engaging in family therapy and we are here to help you process through those as well to make family therapy feel more comfortable for everyone.

I Want My Teenager to Have Their Own Space for Therapy

Your teenager is not alone in feeling this way.

They may feel like family therapy will be an opportunity for their parents and a therapist to “gang up” on them and fear being attacked. This can create a lot of anxiety and defensiveness about starting this process.

In our approach, we believe that your teenager has powerful insight that is essential to the family therapy process. We would go as far to say that we cannot do it without their input and perspective.

We encourage you to ask your teenager to attend a minimum of one session to get a feel for the process and the therapist before deciding how they feel about family therapy.

What If My Teen Does Not Want to Participate in Family Therapy?

You May Still Have Questions About Family Therapy:

Family therapy begins with a 20-minute phone call with one of our family therapists scheduled by our Intake Coordinator to assess the needs of the family briefly and to identify who will participate in family therapy.

At this time, an initial appointment will be scheduled for the family at a time that works for all who will participate to attend.

During the initial two-hour assessment with the family therapist will gather all information that is influencing the family dynamics. This includes information about relationships between family members, current problems, goals, previous treatment, education, substance abuse, medical issues, mental health struggles, and history of trauma, among other topics.

We work with you to support your identified goals as we believe that you are the expert of your family.

Following the assessment, sessions will generally be 60-minutes and may include some or all family members with the understanding that the goal is to highlight your strengths as a family, identify strategies to increase effective communication and understanding and practice skills.

The impact of family therapy is families feeling secure that they can handle life’s ups and downs and create a clear roadmap to build trust again.

Starting Family Therapy with Our Family Therapists in Denver

Our family therapists work with families who want to decrease conflict and get back to having connected and trusting relationships with one another.

In family therapy, we seek to gain a full picture of all the factors that influence each family member. This helps the family therapist and family create a better understanding about where the family struggles stem from and provides a guide for finding more helpful solutions for the family.

Family Counseling To Help Get Your Family Back On Track

Finding a time when all family members are free and able to meet can be a challenge. 

We work with families to find time that can work with everyone’s schedules and offer video sessions in addition to in-person for times when travel may get in the way.

Engaging in family therapy is a group effort and may, at times, require flexibility with scheduling. Now is the time to get started.

It Will Be Hard for My Family To Coordinate A Time When Everyone Can Attend

What to Expect from Our Therapists in Denver

At the end of the first meeting you and your therapist will know your therapy goals and establish a method to achieve them.

Ongoing sessions are 60-minutes and vary in cost based on clinician and certifications. During these sessions, you will share more of your story and develop skills to communicate effectively with your family.

Create therapy goals


Should you choose to work with one of our family therapists, you will schedule an initial 120-minute intake appointment.

During this first session, we want to get to know more about you and your family. We are careful not to make this too overwhelming and won’t get into anything too deep this first meeting.

Schedule your intake appointment


We will help you decide who might be the best fit for your family's needs and schedule a consultation between you and one of our family therapists.

Therapists are matched based on a variety of factors to ensure that you receive the most effective care possible and that you feel comfortable working with the therapist for your specific and unique needs.

Choose your therapist


We want to ensure you and your family will feel comfortable working with our family therapist.

Our intake coordinator with schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation to discuss your concerns with a family therapist. The family therapist will walk you through the process of getting onboarded and scheduling your first appointment.


Please type your name below to acknowledge that Denver Metro Counseling is a private paid practice so we do not directly bill health insurance and are is a Medicaid provider.

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Thank you!

We want you to feel confident in your decision to work with Denver Metro Counseling. That is why we offer a complimentary 20-minute consultation with one of our therapists so that you can have all your questions answered and experience what it is like to work with us first hand. 

To book your complimentary consultation, call our office using the call button below and take the first step towards better mental health today. 

Contact us today to book a 20-minute consult

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