Therapy for anxiety in Denver, Co

OUR services

Do you find yourself worrying and have a hard time turning your brain off?
Do you find that you blank out during a conversation?
Do you feel irritated or physically exhausted?
Do you suffer with stomach aches, clenched jaw, feeling jittery or experience other uncomfortable sensations?
Do you sometimes have no recollection of how you got some place?
Do you feel paralyzed by making a decision?

Has anxiety taken over your life?

Whether you shut down or get worked up when life gets hard, both can be signs of unhealthy anxiety.

Some anxiety is good. Yes, you read that right.

A healthy amount of anxiety gets you up in the morning, motivates you to finish a project, helps you get things done. Having too much anxiety, however, can be crippling and paralyzing. 

Avoiding people, places and activities because of anxiety, can be a sign that anxiety is taking control of you. 

If your anxiety feels like it's in the driver's seat, we may be able to help.

Signs of unhealthy anxiety

Those who suffer with anxiety or panic often feel dismissed and misunderstood by friends, family and even professionals. You may have been told to “relax” or “take a deep breath” or “let it go”. It is simply not that simple.

For some who struggle with anxiety, the current pandemic has created a huge relief. They no longer feel pressure to be or do. Some are finding relief in the collective encouragement to stay home, socialize less and work from home. 

For many others, this time has heightened anxiety, fears and worry about physical, emotional, and economic safety. We are facing a world-wide pandemic, a world-wide rise in social activism and a political divide that impacts everyone.

Regardless of your race, sex, religion, political view, culture, and other identities, life circumstances and world events affect you. You may notice you are feeling more tired, feeling more emotional, more tension in your jaw, neck or shoulders, heightened reactiveness to others, irritability, crying spells, increased worries and racing thoughts.

Perhaps you struggle with being around others or social anxiety, as it may be. If you are experiencing any of these, they should not be ignored.

We are experienced in helping people connect with the root of their anxiety, learn ways to cope with the relentlessness of their anxiety, and come to having a better relationship wit their anxiety... with less anxiety. 

If you're tired of your anxiety controlling your life, we're ready to help! 

Panic Attacks and Social Anxiety Are Often Misunderstood

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year.”

The majority of people we see in our office struggle with some form of anxiety whether it’s stress, overthinking, worry, panic, difficulty making decisions, fears and even trauma. 

What does this mean? It means, you are not alone in your struggle with anxiety. We have seen benefits of anxiety therapy first hand which is why we want to share these benefits with you, too. 

Anxiety therapy is not a simple path, however, it is a walkable one, especially with someone else.

We will walk with you through the ups and downs, helping you to come up for air as we explore your anxiety and ways of working through it.

When it takes over, anxiety makes life difficult and impacts all areas of our lives. Too much anxiety can make you feel like you are suffocating or paralyzed.

Friendships can feel overwhelming or unfulfilling and often anxiety leads to worry that you are too much or not enough for others, work and school deadlines can create immense stress and lead to procrastination or avoidance.

Sometimes you might feel anxious for seemingly no reason and sometimes you know exactly why you are anxious. 

With anxiety, it is easy to become stuck in a cycle of avoidance which can lead to even more anxiety.

People who struggle with feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed or afraid might avoid dating or having a difficult conversation with someone.

Avoiding going somewhere or spending time with someone important seems easier, though in the end, doesn’t necessarily lead to the life you’d like to live.

Getting stuck by fears, worry, anxiety, overwhelm, overthinking can seem impossible to get unstuck from.

Difficulty falling or staying asleep

Stomach aches; headaches

Obsessive thoughts; racing thoughts

Tension in jaw and other areas of the body

Increased heart rate; jittery feelings

Excessive Worrying

Shortness of breath; difficulty taking deep breaths

Do I have anxiety? Symptoms of Anxiety

Trouble Concentrating or making decisions 

Feeling irritable, tense or restless

Having a sense of impending danger or doom

Both life circumstances or experiences and genetics can lead to anxiety. Negative or hurtful experiences as a child or infant can lead to anxiety as a child and later as an adult. 

Anxiety may also stem from a traumatic event we experience at any time in our life. Some experience anxiety after witnessing or hearing about an event or circumstance that is upsetting. 

Anxiety can be passed down from generation to generation. If your mother was anxious or experienced any traumas while pregnant with you having higher cortisol (stress hormone) levels, that may change the cortisol levels in your body. 

There are many factors that may lead to anxiety and we will help you explore your reasons for anxiety and help you find some relief.

Anxiety Issues Can Stem from Many Sources

What causes anxiety?

We can help you understand how anxiety impacts your life in all areas including relationships, work, school, and health (to name only a few most of us recognize).

We can help you learn how to recognize signs that anxiety is coming in hot (or not so hot), and how to manage it when it becomes too much.

We will teach you tools to manage your anxiety in session that you can practice at home.

You will learn more about your anxiety and how to help you and over time, anxiety waves won’t crash as hard and life experiences become more manageable.

It takes time to shift to a new relationship and experience with anxiety. It is there for a reason and when we try to stop it or shut it down, it can get louder.

We know that if you could just stop feeling anxious, you would have by now. Because we know this and understand this battle so many struggle with in their own way, we have the curiosity, compassion, and tools to help you.

Anxiety doesn't have to rule your life forever. 

Some tools we use to help treat anxiety include mindfulness, teaching ways of calming the body, strengths-based approaches, emotion regulation, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – a values-based approach, Internal Family Systems (IFS Therapy), Somatic Therapy, Polyvagal Therory, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Brainspotting, EMDR therapy for anxiety, and components of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). 

If you are wondering if you might benefit from one or more of these approaches to help you get through your days reach out.

Our anxiety therapists have advanced training to provide tools and techniques to help you on the track you want to be on.

We are here and ready to walk with you. 

We Can Help You experience Anxiety Relief

What to Expect from Our Anxiety Therapists in Denver

At the end of the first meeting you and your therapist will know your therapy goals and establish a method to achieve them.

Ongoing sessions are 50-minutes and vary in cost based on clinician and certifications. During these sessions, you will share more of your story and learn tools along the way to help manage your anxiety symptoms and learn to thrive with less anxiety.

Create therapy goals


Should you choose to work with one of our anxiety therapists, you will schedule an initial 90-minute intake appointment.

During this first session, we want to get to know more about you and your anxiety. We are careful not to make this too overwhelming and won’t get into anything too deep this first meeting.

Schedule your intake appointment


We will help you decide who might be the best fit for your anxiety needs and schedule a consultation between you and one of our anxiety therapists.

Therapists are matched based on a variety of factors to ensure that you receive the most effective care possible and that you feel comfortable working with the therapist for your specific and unique needs.

Choose your therapist


Reaching out for help, in itself, can increase anxiety. We understand this and strive to make this process as easy as possible.

Our intake coordinator with schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation to discuss your concerns with a specialized therapist.  The therapist will walk you through the process of getting onboarded and scheduling your first appointment.


Please type your name below to acknowledge that Denver Metro Counseling is a private paid practice so we do not directly bill health insurance and are is a Medicaid provider.

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Thank you!

We want you to feel confident in your decision to work with Denver Metro Counseling. That is why we offer a complimentary 20-minute consultation with one of our therapists so that you can have all your questions answered and experience what it is like to work with us first hand. 

To book your complimentary consultation, call our office using the call button below and take the first step towards better mental health today. 

Contact us today to book a 20-minute consult

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